Stone Mason Tips and Tricks

A stone mason is a person who cuts, prepares, and builds stones for walls and buildings. There are numerous tricks to working your way around building a stone. The YouTube video, “Wall building advice from stonemason Michael Fearnhead,” gives an overview of some useful stone mason tips and tricks.

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When building a wall with stones, ensure you always put your big stones at the bottom or as far in the middle of the wall as you can. Also, make sure you put all your fillings in and fill all the gaps with small stones. Use a through stone to hold the walls together. A through stone is a stone set with its longest dimension perpendicular to the face of a wall and whose length is equal to the thickness of the wall.

Use a corp installer to stop the wall from moving. Try to cross every joint and keep your stones aligned. It should be solid and firm. None of it should be rattling. Make use of small hammers to reshape the size of the stones. It would help if you had a piece of string to give you a guide. So be sure to have that.
