Commonly Asked Questions Parents Have About The Benefits Of A Preprimary Program For Their Child

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You want what’s best for your child. Sometimes the only way to provide the best is to start with yourself. Daycare services are a useful resource, but they offer neither the child nor parent a full experience. Academic preschool programs are a way of giving you the spare time you need to get through the day while still presenting your child with essential learning experiences. The benefits of academic preschool are beginning to be preferred over simple daycare for their ability to set children on a faster path to success later in their life.

It’s understandable not to want to jump on a bandwagon simply because it exists. Learn instead what academic preschool programs can offer you and your child with the frequently asked questions below.

Did You Know?

Academic preschool programs are on the rise. It’s estimated three-fourths of young children across the United States actively participate in a preschool program. Family dynamics are changing as we know it and, with it, more traditional means of providing the very best education for growing toddlers. A mere 45% of children below the poverty level are enrolled in a preschool. This number is only a little higher for children with two married parents, at 65%, and is around the same for children with two unmarried parents.

How Common Are Preprimary Programs?

Also known as preprimary programs or academic preschool programs, these resources are ideal if you need spare time but don’t want to neglect your child’s most formative learning years. A preprimary program is either a group or a class brought together to provide a full educational experience. These include nursery school programs, preschool programs and kindergarten classes. Between 1990 and 2013 there was a notable 40% increase in the amount of three year-olds, four year-olds and five year-olds enrolled in preprimary.

What Are High-Risk Factors For Children Later In Life?

A common fear many parents have is that their children won’t be able to graduate high school and be accepted to the college of their dreams. Studies have shown over 25% of at-risk children are found to be more likely to drop out of high school if they weren’t prepared with a high quality education preschool experience. Around 60% of at-risk children are more likely not to attend college without the basic foundation of a preprimary education and will also be 70% more likely to be arrested for a violent crime.

How Can Preschool Prepare My Child For College?

It can seem strange to look at academic preschool programs and link them to studies your child won’t attend to in over a decade. The first few years of their life, however, are their most adept. Science has shown a child’s brain is at its most sensitive and receptive in the first handful of years, meaning everything they learn now will pave the way for what’s to come in college and beyond. Academic preschool programs help encourage basic skills like counting, simple reading and simple math. They also provide your child a means of learning through socialization and play.

Will My Child Benefit From A Preschool Program?

To give your family the most you need to be realistic about what you can get out of each day. When work or school keeps you from sitting down with your children and teaching them their fundamentals, a preschool environment can catch everyone up to speed. An older study that still holds water today conducted in the 1960’s examined the lives of over 100 children born either at or beneath the poverty level, interviewing them decades later as middle-aged adults. The ones that attended preprimary programs were shown to have a higher chance of graduating high school as well as higher earnings.

Every journey begins with a single step. Help your child get off on the right foot by signing them up for academic preschool programs.