Do you need a roof inspection? Here are five signs you might.
1. Your roof has visible shingle damage. Curled, cracked, or missing shingles are sure-fire signs you need a roof inspection right away.
2. You’re having issues with your gutters. Dysfunctional gutters can cause foundation damage, and gutters with pieces of the roof hurting them can cause further damage.
3. You notice water damage in your attic or on your ceilings. This is a sign that moisture has built up, and you don’t want that to turn into water leaking into your home. Get a roof inspection right away.
4. You notice peeling paint near your roof line. This is a sign that gradual humidity buildup has taken place. This can cause ventilation to go downhill for your roof and attic.
5. You notice or dents or scratches around parts of your roof. Pieces of your roof may be loose or physically damaged, which are signs that a roof inspection is a must.
When you need a roof inspection, find a reputable roofing company in your area to get the job done right. Reputable roofing companies will be able to determine the issue, find a solution, and be on their way!