The COVID-19 pandemic has left people feeling more anxious, depressed, and isolated than they have ever felt before. This has led to an uptick in using cannabis products. Now available in a wide array of options, cannabis products can be found in the form of teas, coffee, tinctures, flower, and more.
Cannabis store owners report that after the pandemic they saw a large increase in new users.
They believe that the lack of social interaction that the pandemic has left us with is weighing heavily on people. Owners report that many new young users are coming in looking to treat anxiety, and older crowds are hoping to get something to manage their pain.
New smokers have said that within their first week of vaping THC, their nerves had calmed down significantly. They’ve also reported feeling calmer and focused, calling it a “day and night difference”.
When shopping for cannabis products, it is important to note the distinction between CBD and THC. Be mindful of how much THC you consume, as it can cause depression if overused. It can also slow you down and impair your physical coordination, so do not use it when driving. Do not use THC in daily activities, as you may begin to associate it with everything you do, leading to dependence.