When your goal is to get your fire protection license and join the ranks of fire sprinkler contractors everywhere, it’s important that you have a clear understanding of what your career path will entail. Here, we’ll cover a few of the details surrounding what it takes to attain your fire protection contractor license so you can start helping home and business owners protect their property.
First, you’re going to need to learn everything there is to know about fire sprinkler systems and fire sprinkler system installation. Fire suppression can turn into a complex issue when you’re dealing with a large system or a complex building layout.
It’s also important to learn about basic fire protection system repair and maintenance. All in all, you’ll need about four years of experience in the trade to attain this kind of knowledge.
Next, you’ll need to pass your state’s required exam. There are brick and mortar schools, as well as online courses that can help you prepare for this ordeal. Typically, if you can pass an online course’s exams, you should be fine to tackle the state exams.
Finally, you’ll need to fill out your license application. Fortunately, there are services out there that can help you submit your application and complete all of the necessary paperwork to complete your licensing process.