Using bucket truck escorts is becoming an increasingly popular method of providing assistance to oversize loads. Bucket truck escorts are designed to provide support to oversize loads on the highway, as they’re able to lift and maneuver heavy equipment safely. Companies that use these trucks for oversize loads are discovering the many benefits that this type of truck offers, such as improving safety, reducing cost, and increasing efficiency.
They’re especially useful for areas that don’t have sufficient space or access to large equipment trailers, or locations with large turns or sharp hills. Bucket truck escorts are capable of traveling at much greater distances and speeds than other oversize load ideas. This translates to decreased travel time and cost savings.
Due to the truck’s ability to maneuver itself and its cargo safely, including over dangerous terrain, the risk of damaging the cargo is also greatly reduced. The truck has the ability to traverse terrain that may be hazardous for ordinary vehicles and offers significantly increased safety characteristics. In addition to providing support for oversize loads, the truck’s maneuverability allows it to make many more turns and avoid obstacles on its route. The ability to adjust its position also makes it easier for the truck to navigate around traffic, enabling it to reduce further delays in the work. It makes the job a lot easier.
For more information on bucket truck escorts, please review the attached video.